Agistment Available Listing
Agistment available listings are $90 (inc GST) for up to 2 months, or until agistment advertised has been filled (whichever occurs first).This price includes:- listing on our website- an Email Alert to all graziers registered as looking for agistment (currently over 2,800 individuals / companies)- promotion through our social media network (over 15 000 followers)
**If you have photos you would like to use in your advertising please send them through to If photos are not available we will use generic images.**
After you press SUBMIT FORM, please scroll down and select BUY NOW on the Agistment Available Listing. This will then take you through to the payment gateway.
Once payment is received we will upload your advertisement to our website, and advertise it through our social media networks within 24 hours.
We've been helping Graziers fill their agistment since 2012